Friday, September 25, 2009

"Ss" is for Sleeping Bags, S'mores, & Silly Faces

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

See You at the Pole

On Wednesday, we chose as a school to meet together at the flagpole and join in with other schools all over the country in praying for the USA. We asked for God's wisdom, blessing , and protection. Our freedom to worship our Lord is something we should never take for granted.

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Letter "Tt" is for Tents and Tea

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Kids Say the Funniest Things

One of my favorites things to do is to listen to the students play in the different areas. They are so creative and imagine great little worlds in which they play together. There are funny things they do all the time, but today I had to share. Marshall, Sophia, and Katelyn were playing in the home area when I hear Marshall say to Katelyn, "Okay they have swine flu and let's pretend they look like pigs." Katelyn - "Okay we have to give them shots." I just laughed out loud. They are so observant and use everyday life in their imaginative play. I Love it!!!

Sand Art

Here are some of our sand art creations for the letter "Ss".

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Grandparent's Day

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fun with the Letter "Mm"

These are some of the fun things we did with the letter "Mm". There are a lot of pictures so it may take a little while to load.

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A Beautiful Creation

Jaxon is so proud of the structure he built and asked me to take a picture. I couldn't pass it up, too cute!

Ms. Dawn's Class at Grandparent's Day

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